Calluses & Corns


Calluses & Corns

Calluses and corns can be very painful! Calluses and corns are problems that Chiropodists treat every day.

Calluses are areas of the thickened skin that form because of pressure or rubbing in that area. They are actually Mother Nature’s way of protecting your skin: instead of skin getting an open sore or blister from excessive rubbing (usually in ANY area of pressure), calluses form in the area to protect it. Unfortunately, when calluses get thicker, they can become painful.

Corns are a different kind of skin thickening. They are a smaller, often more painful growth of skin. Corns form in the shape of a cone, with the pointy end pushing into your foot!

Corns can cause sharp or burning pain. Ouch! They occur in areas of pinpoint pressure: under a bone, on top of a toe knuckle or between your toes.