


Our feet are sophisticated pieces of machinery. Made up of 1/4 of the bones in our bodies, our feet allow us to walk an average of 130,000 km in a lifetime. As well as carrying the weight of our body, they must also twist and flex with increased impact and strain when we move around. Even through simple day-to-day activities such as standing and walking, our feet can be injured if not properly supported.

Your feet really do deserve a Chiropodist. The condition of our feet often provides early indications of conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and circulatory disease. For this reason, the human foot is sometimes called the “mirror of health“. Look out for signs such as dry skin, brittle nails, burning and tingling sensations, feelings of cold, numbness, and discolouration. Always seek the opinion of a Chiropodist when any of these signs occur.

Whether you are a person that has a difficult time reaching their toenails to cut them, or a person with tired achy feet, the services offered at our clinic cater to everyone. The most important thing to remember is that our feet should not hurt. Sore feet are a sign of a problem. Our feet can suffer from wear and tear, overuse, neglect, infection, injury and disease; however, Chiropody care can help to keep your feet healthy and happy.