Verruca warts


Verruca warts

Warts are caused by a virus that enters the body through a break in the skin. It is a common organism that we are all exposed to at some point in our lives. The virus grows in warm, moist environments like change rooms and pool areas.


Warts often appear as a thick, tough area of skin. They may also appear bumpy and spongy. Warts do not have roots. They usually have tiny black dots in the center. These are tiny capillaries (small blood vessels) that supply blood to the wart.

A plantar wart is similar in structure to an iceberg. The part on the surface represents only a small fraction of the entire wart. Often, the portion of wart under the skin is twice as big as the part you see.

What to do

The body's natural immune system can often wipe out a wart without any treatment. If the wart becomes persistent and/or painful it should be treated.

Treatment options are varied. From topical medications, laser removal, needling and surgery, your chiropodist will assess and discussed a treatment protocol for you.

Prevention & Treatment

  • Check your feet each time you wash. Report anything unusual to your Chiropodist.

  • If it is a verruca, remember that it is infectious.

  • DO keep it covered, even when washing.

  • DO use your own towel and bathmat.

  • DO cover existing warts with a waterproof bandage before going into a pool to prevent spreading the virus.

  • DO NOT use showers in sports centres or schools, etc.

  • DO NOT share shoes.

  • DO NOT pick or scratch a wart - this is how they spread.

  • Treatment should be prompt to prevent further spread.

  • Treatment can vary; follow the advice of your Chiropodist.

  • Check that no other member of the family is infected.

  • Don't worry if it takes time to clear up.

  • Remember to use topical antiseptics to disinfect socks and shoes.